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Residential Concrete Floors in the Low County and Coastal Empire

Have years of exposure to your lawnmower’s blade or dripping oil and other chemicals ruined your concrete floor’s appearance? Fortress Floors GA offers homeowners long-lasting, durable, and aesthetically appealing solutions for their concrete residential flooring in the Low County and Coastal Empire. Our top-quality floor coating services upgrade your concrete surfaces with a beautiful, slip-resistant, and chemical-resistant coating. We are a certified industrial coating seller and installer with in-depth training and experience in the impressive products and services we provide. Our coatings are stronger than traditional concrete or epoxy coatings, and we carry out the installation quickly and efficiently to complete your flooring transformation in one day.

front porch

Floor Coating to Enhance Your Living Space

Trying to coat your concrete floor yourself can lead to a wasted weekend and lackluster results. You might even end up with an expensive mess or concrete damage, requiring a professional to fix your problems. With Fortress Floors GA’s floor coating solutions, you get a new surface in your choice of color with timely and immaculate results. Our floor covering protects your concrete for up to 15 years, and it turns drab flooring into a beautiful surface. You can expand your living space and reclaim your uninviting patio with an attractive look. We use polyurea and polyaspartic coatings on your floors, which produce a surface six times stronger than epoxy floors. With our services, you can expand your home’s usable square footage and preserve your concrete for years to come.

floor detail

Apply Our Coatings to Multiple Home Areas

Fortress Floors GA uses six easy steps to complete your floor coating, including prepping, coating, and sealing your slab. We cover your entire concrete surface with our coating, providing a polished look and even finish you cannot achieve with standard concrete. Our residential flooring solutions are a quick and cost-effective way to maximize your home’s usable square footage and update your space while protecting it from harmful chemicals, oil, and other elements. Some popular rooms and areas with concrete flooring include the following:

  • Garages
  • Porches
  • Patios
  • Pool Decks
  • Kennels
  • Staircases
  • Laundry Rooms

Fortress Floors GA Offers Top-Quality Flooring Solutions

If you want to update your home’s concrete flooring but worry about how it will disrupt your daily life, we offer a coating solution with minimal impact on your living space and valuable time. Our residential flooring services use a timely and efficient application process, typically taking one day to complete. You don’t need to worry about our team taking up your space for multiple days. Instead, we deliver one-day floor transformations that last for years with impressive durability and an attractive appearance. Let us enhance your garage, patio, or pool deck with a beautiful, new protective surface.

Expand and Beautify Your Living Space